Monday, August 4, 2008

Weekend Happenings and New Belly Pic...

For those of you have been asking for a new belly you go...I was procrastinating (as usual) and took a self portrait in the bathroom mirror :-)

We had quite a busy weekend...realizing the term "busy" has new criteria for me now. I've been feeling pretty lousy lately but decided that we have a lot to get done before the cherub arrives so I had to push through it this weekend. Saturday we went to pick up the changing table/dresser and a few other things we still need for the baby room at the Pearl Harbor Navy Exchange. Not realizing it, we decided to go on a Saturday the day after payday, which was not a great idea. I swear this store is the most chaotic place I've ever been with more rude people in one spot than any Wal-Mart of K-mart I've ever been in. I don't know what makes people disregard the environment around them and feel like they can block you with their cart or try to make it around an 8 month pregnant woman in a tiny aisle meanwhile talking on their cellphone with their ten screaming kids running around behind them. Maybe it was my pregnancy hormones (although that means Ryan has them too) but man were we ready to get out of there. Yikes! So I survived that excursion and was completely we headed home and I assumed my position on the couch. Ryan proceeded to put the dresser together with at least 200 little pieces involved why I layed and watched. Thank goodness I have a handy husband or else I think it would have taken me until the baby's tenth birthday to finish it.

Here's a picture of the finished product with Ryan "practicing" rocking the baby again :-) I think Tyla's wondering what's going on. Don't mind the messy room, we still have some setting up to do!

Sunday morning we decided to take a trip to Lanikai beach so I could flounder in the beautiful water. The beach was amazingly beautiful and we went early enough that it wasn't too crowded until it was time to leave. It feels SO good to float in the water especially when it's crystal clear and sunny! (Sorry to make you miss it here Louise...we wish you were here too! I'm going to be really jealous of you once fall hits and the beautiful leaves start changing though!)

Ryan went for a standup paddle last night and came home exhausted because it was really windy. When he got home we (or should I say Ryan) decided to cut his hair. He was trying to "grow it out" for a while but got sick of it and took the shaver to it...


Maggs said...

Maui was fun! Laying on the beach yesterday was so nice. One of the best things about hawaii! Riding over there was fun too! The NEX on payday or the day after is a serious workout!

Fennells said...

Your baby room photo brings back sooooo many memories! Love your dresser!!! Kinda looks familiar. Ryan looks like a natural. He should be with all that practice! Great chatting with you tonight.

Michelle Simmons said...

Yes- a handy husband who can put those furniture pieces together is a must! Way to go, Ryan! :)

Kelley- Wanna celebrate you being done with your test by going to lunch on Friday? We can talk about Braxton-Hicks and the newest info in FitPregnancy magazine and decorating the baby's room and all that stuff nobody else wants to talk about... ;)

Fennells said...

Good job on the dresser, Ry! Women may go thru the whole pregnancy thing, but we fellas don't get enough credit for all creative construction that goes into making the baby room just-so!