Yippee! I officially made it to full term (37 weeks)! These last few months have seemed to last forever with the anxiety of going into labor early. Now, it's a new kind of anxiety...that Baby H could arrive today or it could be a few more weeks still. I guess he/she will arrive when she/he decides it's time. It sure feels like she/he wants to come out now though...it's giving me some interesting feelings that's for sure :-)
So we have the nursery somewhat put together. Still waiting on a doing a few things until we know if it's a girl or a boy...might have to add some pink if it's a girl. We figure though that either one can enjoy the ocean :-)

I've been told that gliders are a must...we'll see!

We're also prepared for taking baby out and about (even though it may be a while). I always said I'd make sure we had a baby jogger before baby arrives...I can't wait until I can start running again!!

We have been told by many parents that the bouncy seat and swing are necessities...so of course I had to get both...just in case one is preferred over the other! Here's the infamous swing!
how cute! I'm sure he/she will fee right at home! Can't wait to see you running around Kailua with the baby!
Wow, looks great!! Good job Ryan (we all know who puts these things together, dealing w/ cryptic directions & barely-fitting hardware, don't we? haha)
Louise & I were just putting wagers on whether you'd have a boy or girl. Kai would be happy w/ a mtn-bike buddy either way.
This is the other Fennell. I think your nursery looks GREAT!!! I'm going to bet on a boy now. I think everyone I know who has had a baby in 2008 has had a girl so we are overdue for another little man.....but we all know how good my predictions are so we'll see!!!! Sending you energy for a safe and easy delivery and a beautiful little Hatfield whomever s/he will be!
the babies room looks great. can,t wait for our greatgrandson/daughter. ocean is always good and restfull.
It looks fantastic guys! The bouncy seat & swing can certainly provide a nice break every once in a while. Especially when you just can seem to keep your eyes open no matter how much coffee you drink.
Our thoughts & good energy are with you for a safe & easy delivery.
-Greg, Jen, & crew
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