Thursday, October 2, 2008

Witching Hour(s)....

I've heard about this so called "witching hour" from various people with kids but didn't really know what it was until the night before last. Our precious little Sara decided that at 8:00pm she wanted to be up the entire night (I thought it was only supposed to last a few hours)...and wanted to feed every hour! Let's just say Mom and Dad were a little exhausted by the end of the night.

We had our doctor's appointment yesterday and it appears that she is getting enough to eat and growing like a weed. She gained all of her birth weight back plus 8 oz...she's weighing in at 7 pounds 8 ounces! I was worried we were feeding her too much (every hour through the night...some nights) but apparently that's normal and we should feed her whenever she appears to be hungry. She must take after her parent's because we should love our food too!

She must have been pretty tired after her all nighter because she slept most of yesterday and only fed every two hours last night...progress!!

Here's a few more pics.

Sara loves her blanket that Gr-Grandma Hatfield made for her!!


Fennells said...

Wow! That is're making cream!!! ;-) So happy things are going well in the eating department, if not the sleeping department. That WILL come.

Fennells said...

Awesome pics & updates! Good luck w/ swaddling Ms. Houdini - its amazing how flexible those little arms are, like they're born with double-jointed elbows or something...

Michelle Simmons said...

She looks so different already than she did a week ago! I hear they change everyday... Glad she's a good eater!
Playing phone tag with Rebecca today... maybe we can both drop by sometime next week? Let me know if you want/need anything!

Anonymous said...

she DOES look bigger already!! sorry i missed you guys the other day. love the sign out front :)

dont worry- the sleeping with get better. just keeping napping when she is :)
