Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Boredom and Anxiousness...

I'm officially bored (and anxious)...but still trying to enjoy it (especially the peace and quiet)! It was really nice to have Ryan home for three days with Labor Day and all. Ryan was really set on me going into labor on "Labor Day" but that didn't happen...he thought it would be pretty cool. We didn't do too much over the weekend but managed to run a few errands and went to the beach every day. I feel so lucky to live in Hawaii especially when all else fails and we don't have anything to do, we can always head to the beach! Have I already mentioned how good the water feels on my belly and the fact that I feel like an incubator on the high heat setting :-)

Nothing too exciting to post but here's a recent picture of my ever expanding belly. I don't know how my stomach can physically stretch any further but I'm sure it can manage!

1 comment:

Michelle Simmons said...

I think 'anxious' is the perfect word to describe the end of pregnancy waiting period... I'm already anxious at 31 weeks... can't even imagine how I'll be feeling at 38! You look GREAT!
Btw, I met Amy Harpstrite today... LOVED her! Details on my blog... Thanks for giving me her name. :)