Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Nothing too exciting...

Sorry we haven't updated in a while...but there's nothing too exciting going on unless you call being couch bound all day yesterday exciting? So these lovely contractions (Braxton-Hicks I think) have been happening a lot lately. Maybe my body is telling me to SLOW way down. I thought that going for a 30 minute walk was considered slowing down, but I guess I have to do nothing to actually slow down according to my body right now. Oh well, if that's the sacrifice I have to make for this little baby, then I'm all for it! He/she sure doesn't think it has to slow down though. I think it was doing back flips and cartwheels in my stomach yesterday. That has been my entertainment lately...watching my stomach make all these crazy contortions and having some crazy karate chops pop out the's pretty cool!

My mom is coming into town today and we head to Maui on Friday (as long as I get the okay from the doctor on Thursday). It should be nice and relaxing...I'm getting pretty good at that now :-) HAPPY 4th of JULY everyone! Hope you all are having a great week!


Anonymous said...

its probably the heat too!!! but listen to your body girlie!!!!! have a wonderful time on maui!! FUN!!!! and happy 4th!

Michelle Simmons said...

Hope you're feeling good today, Kelley! I've been inspired by your blog... check mine out at Maybe it'll give you something new to read while you're hanging out on the couch! ;)