We went in yesterday for an ultrasound to check on the baby's growth. I've been measuring kind of small so the doctor had me get an ultrasound just to make sure everything is progressing as it should be. And it sure is! It's a nice relief to see the baby and how much it's growing. The baby is right at the 50 percentile for growth. It's amazing that they can measure and estimate the baby's size in utero...even though they can be off by a pound or so...it's pretty cool. They thought it was weighing about 3 pounds 14 oz. And for everyone that's dying to find out what we're having..they DIDN'T slip!! Yea! I was so worried that we'd leave there and know the sex of the baby.
We really wanted to get a good profile shot so we could post it but our baby appears to be practicing its yoga moves...maybe it will be a gymnast...who knows :-) The head is down low, along with it's hands AND feet. I tried to figure out how he/she was doing this and it's pretty much in a pretzel doing a pike stretch in the "V" position. We could see her/him holding on to it's foot while at the same time opening and closing it's mouth. It was SO cute!!! We got a few good feet pictures. The picture at the beginning of the blog is his/her hand and foot by their mouth.
The foot is at the top of the image...you can see it's toes and ankle...

Here's another shot of the foot...I think he/she has my big toe :-)
YEA! That first picture is awesome! You can totally see its face! How fun to get the pictures and watch them move while they're in there... I've been watching mine move from the outside more and more often- it makes me laugh everytime I see it b/c it looks so funny to see my belly moving on its own. HA!
Baby looks so cute and peaceful! Can't wait to meet him....no her.....no him.... Oh! I don't know!!!!!
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