The first incident came when we noticed there were a lot of crumbs on the ground in our bedroom. We store her treats in our closet downstairs and she managed to eat almost half of them out of a gallon sized zip loc bag...she did it without even knocking the bag down! She thought we wouldn't notice if she kept the bag in the closet...too bad she left a few remnants. We wrote that off as her being bored and let her be.
So the next incident happened when I left a loaf of the best bread ever on the counter...Great Harvest Bread Company White Chocolate Cherry. Not even thinking about it, because it was way back on the kitchen counter, I came home to an empty plastic bag on the floor and a dog that was cowering at the front door. (She's gotten pretty good at not eating the plastic and getting all the crumbs). Needless to say she was quite bloated with some serious gas for a few days.
The final straw came yesterday when we came home to a cowering dog again...we asked her what she did and led us to the kitchen where low and behold she managed to climb up on the counter, pull a bag of mini bagels (20 of them) down, and eat them ALL in one sitting. Here's the remnants of the bag!
She couldn't move for the rest of the day and looked pretty miserable. Kind of like after eating WAY too much at a Thanksgiving dinner! Here she is in a food comatose!
So we made a trip to the storage unit last night and got her crate...which she thoroughly enjoys going in because she knows she gets a treat. I think we have a foodaholic on our hands!
Man, when your baby is a toddler those two are going to get into stuff and you won't know who to blame. Dogs are funny though, maybe she missed her crate?
Or maybe it was Ryan, and he's blaming the dog???
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