Holy Cow! I can't believe I'm 39 weeks. It feels like I've been pregnant FOREVER but at the same time it's crazy that I have made it to 39 weeks because of all the contractions. My uterus must be really strong. I guess one muscle will be strong at the end of this :-) I went in for my weekly check up and not too much has changed. I'm still barely dilated but now I'm 80% effaced....which means...nothing. I still could go into labor today or in another few weeks. Fun stuff. This is teaching me how to be patient and to let go of control BEFORE the baby arrives. Here's a lovely picture of the progress. I think baby is growing, because I sure am!!! I feel HUMONGOUS!

Baby is probably waiting to arrive on his/her due date and to share his/her birthday with two other famous Virgos - Lance A. and Greg F.
Hang in there!
Sounds like it's a HUGE lesson in patience! Hope you guys are doing well!
you look AWESOME!!!!!!! best looking prego fitness girl i ever did see! cant wait to meet baby. go relax- girl im tellin you get some SLEEP!!! its not long nowwwwwwww :)
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