Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Photos...

Here are some more photos of our little bundle of joy :-)

You have to wonder what she looked like in my belly...this looks pretty familiar.

Or this one, she loves to have her hands up by her head and has decided that she DOES NOT like to have her arms swaddled. She will grunt and grown until she somehow gets her arms out of a swaddle. We'll lay her down and within minutes she Houdini's her arms out of a tight swaddle. Lesson learned: I'm going to do what I want too!

Three generations of girls...


Michelle Simmons said...

Seeing Sara all curled up like that gives me a great visual of what mine is doing in there!! I swear, he/she is trying to pop a hole through my uterus (under my rib) with his/her head...

Fennells said...

OMG I want to hold her!!!!!!