Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Woke up this morning.....actually was already up this morning when the sun rose. Sara was being fussy and Kelley told me to go surf. She knew that this sitting around the house thing has been driving me crazy and also knew that a good size north swell was due to hit last night. She didn't need to tell me twice. I gave her and my little baby girl a kiss and was out the door.

After a short session I came home and took Sara duty so that Kel could get almost 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep (that is like gold around here). After she woke up she fed Sara and I pushed her out the door. She said she didn't know where to go, so she decided to go to the beach with Tyla.

After she walked out the door I realized that Sara and I were for the first time all alone. This meant that no mean parents to tell us what to do, when to sleep, when to eat, etc... I was so excited to do everything and break all the rules when I realized 2 things, after being up most of the night and day fussing, Sara finally found peace and decided to fall asleep and I am the parent. NOT MUCH FUN THERE!

Oh well I can sit and watch her sleep forever. It's kind of like starring into a fire, it's just hard to explain but it is definitely something that has captivated every little inch of my heart and soul.

I know you guys are probably getting a little fed up with the proud first parent picture thing but oh well...here are some more!!

I haven't wasted even a day teaching Sara to surf. I figure she'll be surfing pipeline by 6 months.

After surfing I gave Sara a bath.
Isn't she absolutely beautiful..Yeah Sara too:)
The outfit says is all, "Princess". I think I may have my hands full.

1 comment:

Michelle Simmons said...

I LOVE that surfboard tummy time mat! We have to get one of those! Our kids can learn to surf together... :) I know Scott can't wait to start teaching surf lessons.