Our days consist of a 1 1/2- 3 hour rotation. That is, every 1 1/2 - 3 hours Sara starts to wake up. She will stretch, make cute faces, and generally just check things out. At this point to feed or not to feed is the big question. Usually she gets fed shortly after waking. This usually takes between 20min to 1 hour. After she is fed the diaper usually needs changing and she is out....just to do it all over again in 1 1/2 - 3 hours.
This routine does not discriminate between day and night so Kelley and I have adopted the 'ol military duty system. During the night Sara has been sleeping pretty well but often times needs a little consoling between feedings. This is were the duty system comes in. Usually we will switch duty on the feeding cycle. So baby wakes, feeds, and then I am on duty until the next feeding. During my watch I will have to do what every needs to be done until the next feed. Sometimes I luck out and get to sleep the whole time...others not so much.
This system has really helped Kelley get some sleep because without knowing that I am on duty at some point, she feels that she can't truly let her guard down and fall asleep. I have suggested that I be on duty full time seeings that she is the feeder but she seems to think it will burn me out.
This process continues throughout the day as well. When baby is sleeping we try to sleep. Kelley's mom is here so there are times throughout the day that we have both been off duty and able to take a quick nap to recharge. This has proven to be VERY helpful.
I am not sure how long this same process will continue but from what I have been told about babies I can only imagine not long, as babies are ever evolving and Kelley and I will need to change much of our routine to accommodate...Oh yeah and then you add that whole go back to work thing that happens in a week.
Here's a couple more pics of Sara.
Sara with MeMe
Great photos! Love the sleeping shirtless ones! Enjoy these moments...they'll last forever in your heart but not long in reality (even though it sure doesn't feel that way at 0354 am). What an experience.
Btw, I think maybe she looks like Kelley. Glad we had a chance to catch up.
Scott thinks Sara looks like Ryan... :)
Glad you guys are figuring things out and getting a little sleep!
she sooo cute! i love her little hands behind her head! haha- cute cute cute! need to come see her soon- but want to come WITHOUT the kids! how long will your mama be here kelley?
She's adorable. I hope you guys are doing well and learning her schedule :-) Ryan, you've been in the military, Ground Hog Day is nothing new for you!
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