Friday, September 5, 2008

Status Quo...

Went to the doctor for my weekly checkup today and not much has changed. My cervix has began to soften and I may be "1 cm" other words I'm barely dilated so...I could have the baby today or in 3 weeks. So more of the same...hurry up and wait. I'm definitely having more contractions but seeing that I've been having them for 11 weeks now, I don't think that means much. I had three days of super energy where I felt like I could run a marathon (ok maybe not a real marathon) and then I came crashing down yesterday. I thought it might be time but have quickly come to realize that Baby H will come on his/her own time and we'll just have to wait and see :-)

As for Ryan, the south shore has actually had some surf so he got up at 4:30 yesterday and today so he could catch some waves before work and before the arrival of Baby H. He keeps me on pins and needles when he goes just in case Baby H decides to make it's appearance while Dad's surfing :-) Thank goodness it's Friday...for Ryan's sake...everyday is Friday for me!

1 comment:

Fennells said...

Look out! I was 1 cm and had my apt with Dr. S. the day that my water broke!!!! So excited for you guys!!!!! I'm going to go out on a limb and say that after all the contractions you've had, Baby H is going to fool us all and come LATE!!!!