Thursday, September 18, 2008

Baby H Update

Went to the doctor this afternoon...and NOTHING has changed!! Ugh! We talked about the options and risks/benefits of waiting to induce. So for now we're going to hold off on getting induced until at least next week. I have another appointment next Thursday but also scheduled to get induced next Friday Sept. 26th. It's easy for me to cancel it but hard to get an appointment (the hospital only allows 2 inductions per day) so we decided to schedule just in case Baby H doesn't come on it's own. I guess she would allow me to go a full two weeks over but the risk of a c-section goes up after a week because of baby passing meconium (stool) and other stuff so we kind of picked in the middle. We're hoping Baby H decides to come on it's hear that Baby!!!


Maggs said...

Man, i'm hoping your little baby makes a move soon!

hatfields-in-hawaii said...

Thanks Maggs! We do too :-)

Sis Hatty said...

Um... this baby is related to Ryan. So if you want it to do something then tell it to do the opposite. Ryan never did what he was told but he did do the opposite of what he was told. Try that for a change. :)