So what did we do? Hmm. Saturday morning we slept in till about 815 am (taking advantage while we can). Once we were up we decided that we would go to the beach and hang out for awhile. We packed up the stand up board, some beach chairs, an umbrella, and struck off on our way. We got to the beach relatively early at 930 or so and it was already pretty crowded at Lanikai. Once there we set up a mini camp and I decided to go for a paddle around the Mokulua Islands (check the map below).
While I was paddling Kelley was playing in the water with Tyla. I think she is most comfortable in the water. It has been really hot and she has been experiencing a lot of contractions. Once she is in the water she seems to be happy.
We sat at the beach for a couple hours and decided it was time to get out of the sun and went to a movie. We saw "You Don't Mess With The Johan". It was pretty darn funny if you like slap stick humor.
We went home after the movie and sat around for a while watching the olympic trials and trying to stay cool in our air conditioning. In the evening we took Tyla down to the beach for another walk (as we do almost every day).
Today (Sunday) we got up really early at 745 am (again we are enjoying while we can). We got up and went down to the beach with Tyla (something new in our lives). This morning was a little different in that Kelley was wanting to get some sort of workout. It has been 2 days since she has been able to do anything active. She has been yearning to get a good workout in because it seems that anything she does makes her have a contraction. Both Kelley and I have been on the take it easy and try not to have a baby at 28 weeks program. This program requires a lot of sitting around, something that we both need to work on.
The walk went okay. We ended up walking at a respectible pace for a little over 30 minutes (kind of funny how workouts change huh). Kelley only had 1 or 2 small contractions, which is no more than she would have had staying at home on the couch.
After our walk I decided it was time to go back to church. We went home, got dressed, and made it just in time (10:00)...for the mass to finish. I guess mass actually starts at 900am. Oh well, its the thought that counts. Besides the best parts about church is when it is over (I think I will need to confess just for saying that...)
Next I decided to go for a paddle out to "bird shit island" about 1 1/2 miles off Kailua Bay. It took me about 1:30 to complete and man was it fun. I saw a couple of fish and a great big honu on the way (check the map below. I did the shorter route on Saturday and the longer route today.) .
After a long paddle a nap was definetly needed. I napped for about 1 hour and then we were off to view a couple of open houses and get a cold stone creamery. I mean what is a Sunday without going to an open house and getting some ice cream.
Later in the evening Kelley and I decided to get Champa Thai take out and sit on the beach with Tyla, ate our dinner and watched the sun set over the Ko' Olau mountains. It was at this point that we both got a chance to reflect about how great Hawaii is and how lucky we are to be able to live here.