Friday, June 6, 2008

Our Morning Walk

Okay so it seems that no matter how well you know somebody you don't always really know what they do on a daily basis. In an attempt to give you all a view into my life I figured I would bring you on my morning walk.

Every mornning at 0530 I roll out of bed, put my slippas on, and Tyla and I drive 5 minutes to the beach and get a cup of joe at our favorite little store Kalapawai.

It isn't usually until I am about finished with this cup when I wake up...

From Kalapawai Tyla and I drive thru Kailua Beach, over the hill, and in to Lanikai (about a 1 minute drive). Once in Lanikai we drive to our special little beach access and go out for a stroll. This slide show depicts some of the things we see on our walk.

One of Tyla's favorite things to do is to search for food. In that constant conquest to serve her appetitie (especially for poo) she occasionally will run across a crab running for the ocean. When this happens it can be pretty funny. Although today she didn't find the crab she still likes to digg for them.

Our walk usually takes about 20-30 minutes. After Tyla is done chasing birds, eating poop, and pissing off passer bys, I load her up in the car and we head for home to get ready for work.

Once home I give her a bath, some food and water, and get ready for work...

So that's it. This has become somewhat of a daily ritual for Tyla and I. Everyone once in a while Kelley will join us. Although Kelley really likes the morning she doesn't handle getting up early really well (yeah thats gonna fly when the baby comes). I look forward to doing these walks someday with baby but I know parents always have these great dreams before baby comes and after they are here it is a whole other story. So I guess I can say I hope that I will be able to bring baby on my morning strolls but am not going to hold my breath.

Well gotta go to work.

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