Thursday, June 26, 2008

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!

I know, I know, I know. We weren't going to find out until the baby was born, BUT... Kelley had to go in to the doctor today because she was getting several contractions throughout the day yesterday, last night, and again this morning. Once we got there they hooked her up to this thing that straps around your belly so that you can hear the baby's heartbeat and little movements. It was REALLY cool.

That was where we got our first clue. The heart rate was in the 150-160 range, so we were already thinking, GIRL. We could hear the baby move around quite a bit, it was awesome. Than the doc came in. She said that Kelley was fine. She told her to stop exercising as much and to keep an eye on the amount of contractions she had in an hour. I guess 4-6 for 4+ hours is no good at this point in the game. Right as the doc was going to pull off the straps we heard this loud noise...The doc informed us that it was the little baby hiccuping.

We then went into the other room to take a look at the baby (on sonogram) and the doc wanted to check Kelley's cervix. The doc took one look at the baby and, forgetting that we did not want to know the sex of our baby, told us that she was sure it was a girl. We both looked at her with a blank stare and she replied, "yup I am 50% sure it's a girl". So there you have it! It's 50% chance that it's a girl.

I know, not quite what you were expecting uh! Not us either. Turns out Kelley's cervix is still nice and hard and placed towards the back (like I know what the heck I am talking about). I guess this is good. The doctor did say however that the little baby is carrying extremely low but that was of no concern, just an observation. She did give her permission to have me massage her feet and back several times daily and feed her food in bed. THANKS DOC!

Uh oh I gotta go, Kelley is calling me right now to get her some water...LOL!-Ryan


Anonymous said...

YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! PINK PINK PINK!!!!!!!!! hooray! we can buy pink!!! cute congrats!!! girls are super fun! pink! yippie cant wait to meet her!
:) megan

Fennells said...

Wow! Not what I expected when I checked into your blog!!!! BIG NEWS! You know I was thinking I am surprised but excited!!! Kai will have a girlfriend!!!

Is everything okay????????

Did you change your blog back from private to non-private?

One more thing - I vote eliam for the middle name (don't want to give it away on you ;-)

Fennells said...

Ryan, you joker!!!!!!

Sis Hatty said...

Ryan - Here's a clue. If the doctor says she is carrying low... that's because it's a boy. You carry low when it's a boy and carry high when it's a girl. :)