Monday, June 16, 2008

Early Morning Beach Walk...(with Kelley)

I actually got up this morning for the daily beach walk with Ryan and Tyla. (Ryan decided to snap a surprise picture on my way upstairs) It's always rough getting out of bed but once I'm up and watching the sun rise from the Pacific, it's so worth it!!

Tyla has two different types of beach walks. The morning beach walk involves being anti-social and scavenging up as much "food" as she can find. This "food" consists of poop, dead fish, leftovers from the beachgoers lunches, and whatever else remotely looks like it's edible (it actually doesn't have to look edible, as long as it smells good to her). The other type of beach trip is when she's chasing Ryan down the beach on his evening run. It's a close toss up to which one she likes more, but I'd have to lean towards the morning scavenger hunt :-)

This morning she found a great surprise...another dead fish, which she proceeded to roll in making the car ride home a stinky one. Oh what memories!!

Here's Ryan getting his daily morning cup of coffee at Kalapawai Market...

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Anonymous said...

Hey Sis! I am impressed with the early morning walk! I still can't seem to manage to do anything early! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

fun fun fun! i love your blog! i check almost everyday!
fun seeing you guys bright and early- hahah ryan you look rough! i dont think its safe for you to be driving under your condition :)