Sunday, June 15, 2008


Sorry we haven't posted in a few days...We had a good weekend which went by way too quickly. Saturday morning we brought some things to one of our friends garage sales (Thanks Megan!). We're trying to get rid of stuff (desk and office chair) we don't absolutely need in order to make room in our little condo for all the stuff a baby needs. And to our luck, we were able to sell them both along with a few other yard sale type items. It was fun to hang out and catch up with Megan and especially entertaining to watch people try to haggle over 50 cents. Come on people you probably could find that amount of change in the cracks of your couch or car. I guess that's the fun part of garage sale"ing" though.

After we made our huge sums of money, Ryan and I decided to treat ourselves to a Hawaiian Shave Ice. And for those of you who haven't experienced a REAL Hawaiian Shave Ice you're missing out. (More reason to come visit us :-) They put a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the bottom and Azuki Beans (yep, I said beans, sounds kind of gross but people sure like it...Ryan does) and then the ice with whatever flavors you want. It's quite the indulgence but really tasty!

Saturday evening, Ryan and I were assuming our position that we like to take (on the couch) when we, or should I say Ryan, decided we should actually do something spontaneous. We decided to go to dinner all the way in town (we call Honolulu town, its actually not that far...25 min...but on an island it seems like it) at a really good restaurant, John Dominis. So he called and they had a table ready in a half an hour (which is kind of shocking because you usually have to make reservations in advance). We were on it, we showered and dressed and were in the car in 5 minutes flat. I grabbed my purse and for some reason decided to see how much cash I had in my wallet. The only problem was, there was no wallet!! Oh #$@%!! Where did my pregnancy brain leave it? The last place I had it was at Shave Ice. No, I couldn't have left it there...but that was my only option so I called them up and sure enough, some wonderful citizen (yes, we still have a few left on earth) had turned it in. So now our dinner reservation that was supposed to be in a half hour was going to be late. Shucks! Our spontaneity was beginning to falter. I called and told them we'd be a "few" minutes late and they said that was fine. We ran to the Shave Ice place, and low and behold the 50 bucks we had made at the garage sale was still there!!! Thank you Good Samaritan!

Dinner was awesome. The restaurant is right on the water overlooking a pretty good surf break so we spent the whole dinner watching surfer's ripping it up. The food was great and the company even better!! What a great spontaneous adventure!


Anonymous said...

awww too cute!
sounds wonderful!
it was great catching up with you guys too- thanks for coming- we will have to do it again in a few months after baby is here and you can sell lots of the stuff he/she grows out of :)
glad you found your purse too! yikes
ps- where is the shave ice place you go- over by the green store? i never had one like that!

Fennells said...

Hey, who is anonymous??? Is that you Megan??????

I am so glad you guys went for it and headed over the mountain to dinner. I know you know from witnessing our imprisonment that your days are numbered so ENJOY IT NOW!!!! ;-) ;-)