Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bathroom Remodel

Here are the picures of our bathroom remodel. I wish I had some before pics but you guys will just have to see the after. We haven't gotten all the bathroom baby decorations that Kelley bought online at Target yet, so it looks pretty bare. It doesn't look like much but trust me it was a lot of work. It will look better once we personalize it a little. What did we do? We replaced a HUGE and UGLY mirror, took down an old box style flourecent light (with framed in and very secured cover), replaced the faucets, replaced the toilet, replaced the towel and toilet paper racks, and paint from top to bottom (including molding). Taking down the old light fixture was the highlight of the project as more drywall came down than initially ancipated, making for quit a bigger job. All in all, we are pretty happy with the end result and think it will be a good place for baby to even play in the bubbles...

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