Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Baby Belly

This is for those of you that haven't seen me in a while and keep pestering me for a belly picture. My modesty is already beginning to disappear! It's really crazy to see your body morph right in front of your eyes. I think Baby Hatfield (the "little bean" as the Fennells like to call it :-) has made quite the growth spurt this week. I swear each day I think I can see my belly getting bigger. I still haven't quite gotten used to it. When I wake up in the morning I jump (rather roll) out of bed and forget I have this ball sticking out of me until I look down and my feet are beginning to disappear. I have to say that this is the most amazing experience I've ever had. I definitely have my days where I don't feel so great but overall, considering that I'm creating a human being inside of me, I feel pretty good. The ankle is beginning to get better...the golf ball sized lump and pretty purple colors are disappearing and I'm able to walk a lot better. In the mean time I've been trying to swim and ride my bike trainer.

Speaking of the stomach getting bigger, it's also getting in the way when I try to ride my bike. I was riding my road bike (on the trainer of course) but I've had to switch over to the mountain bike because I can sit up straighter and my legs don't smash the baby with every peddle stroke (yet!). This is not what I call entertaining but I guess it does the trick. You'll notice the small little tire on the back. I started off with the knobby tire on the back but when I would peddle it sounded like an airplane was taking off. It scared the bageebeez out of Tyla and I'm sure the whole town of Kailua so I had to switch to my slicks.

Till next time...

1 comment:

Fennells said...

Excellent belly shot! You look great!!!