Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Law of Motion

I remember when I was in school and training for Ironman I got the feeling from certain people that training was easier for me. I heard it several times, "it's easy for you because you don't have work" (I guess working on an MBA doesn't really count as work...Ask Greg about that). Now I work like the rest of the world and I agree being sedentary all day makes motivating yourself in the evening A LOT harder. I think Sir Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion are applicable:

Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws which provide relationships between the forces acting on a body and the motion of the body.

1)A physical body will remain at rest, or continue to move at a constant velocity along a straight path, unless an external net force acts upon it.
  • For me this is completely true. I sit all day in front of a computer (a body at rest). This law states that a body at rest will remain at rest unless an external force acts upon it. Everyone must find their external force. It's hard to say what my external force is. I think it changes day by day and I would have to say more often than not my external force is more internal than anything. But the point remains that each person must find that which gets your body from rest to full velocity.

2)Rate of change of momentum is proportional to the resultant force producing it and takes place in the direction of that force.

  • Though I would agree that a body in motion is better than a body at rest, I believe that this physical law demonstrates that an effective external/internal force will affect a greater rate of change of momentum. As I said before it is important for each of us to find that force which can affect the greatest rate of change.

3)To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

  • This one seems really simple...If you keep your body at rest you will get fat, risk cardiovascular disease, diabetes, heart attack, depression, etc. If you find that external/internal force to get that body in motion you will signifcantly reduce all these risks as well as sleep better, have a better look at life, be recharged for the next work day, reduce your risk of disease, feel better and live a happier life overall.


(This message is to remind myself of the same...tomorrow my external force will be this post) - Ryan

1 comment:

Fennells said...

Nice post! Now can you write something to inspire me to get this body in bed at an earlier hour rather than glued to the internet? (while my non-sociable husband does math homework!)